Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bird ringing Workshop

The bird ringing workshop was at the botanical garden.

did you know? that the Japanese invented the mist net for catching birds to eat. It was made of Japanese women's' hair.

They also followed a stalk for 8 years, with a satellite ring(they cannot do this for all birds because it is very expensive.

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Caring for sick birds

This is a Workshop by Libby Sharwood of SAMREC (SA Marine Rehabilitation and Education Centre) Thank you Libby, you did an excellent job of explaining, sharing and educating us.


This is Jades story, she's the seven year old in the pictures (Turning 8 in July).

The lady in the photo above is holding a fish and she showing us how they put vitamins inside the gills of the fish. She is also showing us how top hold the fish to feed it to the penguin. When you feed the penguins you have to be careful, because the penguins say thank you afterwards by biting your arm.

In the photo above, Charne and Stacey are feeding a Gannet bird with an intravenous drip. We learnt hold the bird and how to find the right hole in its mouth for the tube.

Above is me and Ian feeding a penguin. Oh by the way these birds are not alive. I am wearing glasses to protect my eyes and Ian is wearing gloves to protect him from bites.

In the photo above the lady is showing us how to feed the penguins with the syringe, tube and electrolyte mix. She also showed us how to pinch the tube, so that the food doesn't get stucked up again, when you are finished feeding the bird.

In the photo above the lady is explaining to us how to wash birds that have been covered in polluted oil. We must help the penguins by washing the oil off them and then looking after them until they are better. We took a feather each and dipped it in oil and then we dipped it in water and a whole lot of different solutions. The blue blue bucket at the end worked the best. In that bucket there was a bio-oil mix.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brilliant low cost way of demonstrating Sound Waves

This is an easy, entertaining and very engaging way of explaining sound waves, using straws. The straws have been joined together and then twisted. This was used to demonstrate the crest and trough of the wave, and then the frequency. This workshop was conducted by Ashop Rupner, he has conducted these 'activity' workshops for the past 15 years. He makes over 200 different inexpensive science toys. Website details to follow.

Science Through Toys

The Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) presents a workshop on Science through Toys. Right now it's science through noisey toys as the kids experiment with different size straws. they are also playing with water, straws and the different pitches and noises.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scifest 2008

Mixed Sci Experiments at school


I am a life Long Learner and I am facilitating the younger members of this Blog. I love the Science Festival. There are so many wonderful exhibits, workshops, talk shops and movies. In the past I have enjoyed workshops that range from Global warming innovative plays, to MTN Science Centre exhibitions, to laser shows, astronomy workshops, glass blowing, Steve Shermans amazing brain teasers (For all ages) the Sunset shows, its all so much to take in.

This year some of the children will have their first SciFest experience, I am really looking forward to their interpretation.

We'll be twittering from the festival, taking pictures and gathering data. Some info will be posted live. After the festival, we'll spend some time putting presentations together on different aspects, which we'll post in slide shows to this blog.

Fossil 'makes T-Rex look feeble': Sci-Tech: News: News24 Fossil 'makes T-Rex look feeble'

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm realy looking forward to doing all the fun workshops and stuff we are going to learn at the science festival.
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I hope the weather is good enough for the workshops
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I am looking forward to everything we are going to do at the science festival and camping with my friends.
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I'm sure we will have lots of fun at the Science festival
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I'm looking forward to the soap box darby at the Science Festival
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History Tour

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